Saturday, 2 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Starting as I mean to go on. I have been informed that my life now spans 6 decades. Now that doesn't make me as old as you'd think, but does make me realise that getting a decent amount of exercise is as important as ever.

So since my last blog post;
New Year's Eve - 5k run
New Year's Day - 6k walk ( at my husbands pace which pretty much has me jogging).
Will walk again today as running is a tad dicey on the ice.

Not looking back this year either- onward and upward. Still trying to do more and procrastinate less; I have a few mundane tasks that I need to do this Spring so will post them and hopefully be able to tick them off by Easter.

Get the drive resurfaced (5 years since our extension was built and it still has a bloody great hole in it)
Upgrade the house alarm.
Sort the chip on the windscreen, and the dodgy extractor in the loo.
Decorate downstairs
And in light of the above, reassess the finances.

There's more but I've forgotten. You see this is the problem. I forget stuff and then remember it again but forget to write it down. Must be something to do with spanning 6 decades.