Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Back on crutches.

Em took a tumble on the ice and damaged her knee (the one she's had surgery on). So after a lovely afternoon (and well into evening) in A&E she has a whopping great bandage on and is hobbling around on crutches.

The world and his wife (and his kids) were in A&E. You have time to ponder whilst there. For example - why do they have a sign that says 'Waiting time 1 hour' when it's a dirty great lie? You do get to see someone in around an hour then they send you to sit on another row of chairs to wait for a further two and a half hours to see the person you really need to see. And why would you sit for the requisite 3 1/2 hours with a two year-old with a sticky eye when a trip the the pharmacy would see you sorted? And why, when you obviously won't be seen within 2 hours does the pay and display machine only allow you to pay for 2 hours? Thus meaning you have to vacate your comfy chair, brave the snow and put some more money in, knowing that whilst you've been loading the machine your name will have been called and because you didn't spring from your seat immediately your card will have been put to the bottom of the ever growing pile.

Sorry bit of a moan. Love the NHS on the whole but badly in need of a drink now and am abstaining for a couple of weeks.


Posh Totty said...

Oh no I hope Ems leg isn't too sore for too long, I have to agree wih all you said about A&E I could have written that myself as I am always saying the very same thing Xx