Saturday, 15 March 2008

Over anxious

Once there they took more bloods and a urine sample and watched her feed. She was fine (aren’t they always?) and I think they decided that I was an over anxious mum. The tests showed a UTI and anaemia and we were sent home with anti-b’s and iron. Next day it was back to normal, Emily feeding very little and vomiting it all back a few minutes later. It was the weekend so we called the emergency doctor who said it was probably the iron or the anti-b’s and to stop giving them and take her back to the GP on Monday. We went back and he changed the meds but wasn’t willing to refer her again. On our way out I saw the HV who weighed her and as she had lost more weight, went over his head and sent us back to the ward. (I have to say that she was brilliant throughout and probably saved Emily’s life as she was so persistent).
So, back we went and she was put on IV meds and had an NG tube passed. We stayed for a few days and she fed okay, although she never seemed really settled. During this stay she had a funny turn which turned out to be the first of her two probable heart attacks. She had been in a bouncy chair on the ward floor when she suddenly went a horrid grey colour, sweaty and started to cry. I asked the nurse to watch her while I went for a bottle, thinking she was probably hungry. When I got back she was floppy in the nurse’s arms. She began to cry again and then fell asleep for about 3 hours. They noted the episode in her records and a couple of days later discharged us again with more iron and anti-bs.