Tuesday, 29 December 2009

1st run of the New Year

Well, it isn't really the New Year yet is it but I need to tick this one off as I've not been out much recently. The weather has been dire and my health even worse. I've not even braved the gym.

I must have been desperate because the wind was bitter and there was rain. Rain FGS! You will have learned that I am usually a fair weather runner, but having a new cold weather running top from Father Christmas off we went; a close call on the ice at the bottom of the road foretold a slow and stuttering 5k. But we made it without toppling into the canal and it's good to be back out. Hopefully the year will see an improvement in both time and distance. Maybe.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Good Morning and a Very Merry Christmas.

What, you may ask, am I doing blogging on t'internet on Christmas morning? Well. All is calm and peaceful here - my husband is at work until noon and the children, if you can still call them children are languishing in their beds. He'll probably be back before they surface.
I'm having a cuppa (with the obligatory tot of whisky), have my Christmas socks on and my feet up. Tis the calm before the storm; I'll have to battle with a 14lb turkey shortly, plus all the trimmings so I'm making the best of it and refusing to be stressed at least for the time being. By 1.30 I'll probably be redfaced and the air will be blue as I'll have burnt the carrots and forgotten the cranberry. Wouldn't be Christmas without a bit of swearing!


Friday, 11 December 2009


I am still here, just not finding the time to blog much. Plus since number2 son went off to uni I've had my computer time seriously curtailed by my other two offspring as we only have one other decent laptop in the house. He'll be back shortly though and the bloke in red may be bringing a new laptop too. Note to self - may need more download allowance :-o.

I've got a well-earned morning off on Saturday so I'll post an Autumn catch-up then.

Laters x