Sunday, 26 April 2009

Late again - the Sunday photo...

Emily is still without her camera so this week's offering is a self portrait from her mobile.

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Time flies when you're having fun.......!?

I'm not sure where this week went. One moment it was there stretching in front of me and now it's almost over. I seem to have done very little. It's not been helped mind you by the car deciding that it's terminally ill and languishing in the garage. It's been grumpy for a while now but appears to have decided that enough is enough, and that we must aquire another. I like shopping but would prefer that it wasn't for a new motor. Emily's camera is also broken and as you can imagine she is somewhat bereft without it.

We did manage to get out for a good walk this week (for walk read 7 mile hike). Dovedale is a short drive from us and we walked from there up to Milldale, then up and over to Bunster Hill and Ilam. It was, well, invigorating shall we say?

Footbridge over the Dove.

This is the view of Dovedale from Bunster Hill.

Photographs courtesy of Neil Haslewood at

Friday, 10 April 2009

It's that time of the week again...

Friday, 3 April 2009

The Friday Photo

Emily. With strange specs.