Friday, 27 February 2009

The Friday Photo

Trying to regain little normality, so here is the Friday photo, three in fact, taken last year at the Albert Dock, Liverpool.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Still here.....

Ha! So the title says it all really. We got cancelled; again. Emily is on the verge of losing the plot and I don't blame her. I'm doing a fairly good job of remaining composed but I'm not sure if it will last long. It seems that our lovely consultant is off sick - but not a 'back next week' type of sick, it's a 'for the forseeable future' type of sick. I do hope he's OK but am at the same time concerned as to where and with whom that leaves us. Am hopeful of more information later this week. Seems the blog title is very apt......

Keep Calm & Carry On.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Off to hospital tomorrow, beds permitting. Will update in a few days, hopefully with good news.

Friday, 20 February 2009

The Friday photo.....

.....this week is not a photo, it's a link. This is Nia, she's the daughter of a friend of mine, Corinna. Nia has the same heart defect as Emily but was unlucky enough to be diagnosed some months ago with a rare form of leukaemia too. She's spent the best part of this last year 'kicking her cancer in the butt'. Go Nia!

Whilst on the subject perhaps anyone who hasn't yet done so would consider signing up to give blood. On the same site you can also find links to register as a bone marrow donor and as an organ donor. Go on, it will take you five minutes to register and you will be helping people like Nia and Emily whose treatment and surgical procedures couldn't go ahead without donors. Thanks.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


Pre admission was uneventful - lots of questions, but no bloods - wahey - they're going to do them under GA next week. It was quite a relaxing visit for a change. The train journey however was a different matter - 40 minutes stationary in the middle of nowhere on the way back and we couldn't even sit together because it was so packed. Still we were sitting which is something to be grateful for. Emily managed her usual task of grabbing a bargain and is now the proud owner of new boots. She can shop I'll say that for her.......

So we're back for the catheter next week - hopefully it will show that her pulmonary pressures are stable and we can tuck away any worries about further surgery. Cross your fingers for us.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Hospital trip today

We're off to the hospital very shortly for pre-admission clinic in readiness for Emily's cath next week. The cath should have been this week as previously blogged but the snow and an emergency admission mean't we got bumped on to next week. It's a bit of a pain as Emily really needs to miss less school not more. Still, today's appointment is later this afternoon rather than the original silly o'clock, so we get to go down leisurely on the train, shop, eat lunch and shop some more.

Will update later. x

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

This week's photo is a day late to celebrate Valentine's Day and also, more importantly, CHD Awareness Day If you are Anti-Valentine, here's something for you too. Have a good weekend.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Friday the 13th.....

Number 1 son is flying to Canada today.............flight was cheap.........I wonder why?

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Need I say more!!!

Friday, 6 February 2009

We got snow! this Friday's photo is of the snowman Em and her friend Sophie made (although apparently Soph drank tea and watched - sensible child).

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Happy Heart Day.

Today is the 15th anniversary of Emily's diagnosis and heart surgery. But I'm not going to look back today - I'm looking forward and feeling proud of how she's turned out, how hard she works and the person she is.

Monday, 2 February 2009


Well - everyone else in the UK seems to have snow. We have about a millimetre [grumpy].